Friday 6 November 2015

We are here!

Plains, trains, and automobiles!  We have made it to Liberia.  It took 8 hours on the train, a subway ride, a sky train, 15 hours at JFK Airport, and two airplane rides (13hrs).  All that and all went smooth.  Praise the Lord.  Augustine met us at the airport with a wonderful group of volunteers that helped us load our luggage and got us to Brewerville.  Brewerville is where we are building the school/trade center.  My favorite part of the day was the hour drive through Liberia.  It was full of all the sights and sounds of Africa that I love.  There were so many people going about there daily lives, women carrying baskets on their heads and babies on their back.  People on the side of the road selling Palm Wine, fish, gasoline, cell phones, clothes, chicken's feet, you name it.  Children in uniform making their way to school.  While other children were working in iron yards, fruit stands, or just playing.  My heart felt at home and I am blessed.  I wish my children were all here to see what I see and experience what I am experiencing.  One day babies, mommy loves you and misses you all. xoxo



1 comment:

  1. Happy that you guys got there safely!! Soak it all up. Praying for you guys :) Jenn
