Thursday 12 November 2015


Today we started moving blocks for the school, it was very satisfying and fulfilling to see our efforts yield results. After working for a few hours we got the opportunity to go to see a large garden that belongs to a man from the work site named Rossini. He grows limes, pineapples, sugar cane, hot peppers, bananas, and lots of other fruits and vegetables. While we were there we got to smell some lime leaves they smelt awesome. When we got back to the work site and worked for about half an hour, then we had an amazing lunch. After a short rest we were up doing things again; we went to the Doe community. I felt bad for the people living in the community because there was water every where. One of my  thoughts was why don't they just move some were dryer but then I realized they can't just move. In Canada if we don't like were we are living we can move but they don't have that luxury. Another thing that really hit me when we were there was that though the people have very little and struggle to get the things they need they are so happy and joyful. People in Canada, my self included, have trouble with that. We get upset when we don't get the nicest or newest things, or we can't have some of the luxuries we are accustom to, and we take what we have for granted. I pray that God helps us as a country to be happier and have more joy in our situations no mater what they may be. I also prey that God blesses the people of Liberia.


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