Sunday 6 November 2016

From the trentches

When I say "from the trentches". I'm not referring to Liberia or Don. I mean from my home. People often don't realize that being left at home when your spouse is on a mission is really difficult. Don is away serving the Lord, doing what he is called to do. Gods got him. He is making a difference to people and working hard to do so. This is when satan turns his attention to the people at home. I wonderful missionary I know once said, "the worse things are for the people at home the bigger the impact your making away". He didn't say this to encourage devastation at home. He spoke the truth. Again this isn't always the case but for me it is. Every time I've been left at home while Don is on a mission it has been awful!  Last time an ice storm hit in April, my van broke down, I had no water for three days, and all the kids got sick. I was so busy praying for Don and trying to keep it together that I had frogotten about myself. My need for prayer and for support. This time there has been no ice storm or major repairs, praise the Lord!  The struggles are still there and although they may be different but the medication for them is always the same. Prayer and support. So, please pray for those left behind. I know of a few mission teams heading out soon and these teams will need prayer. Just don't forget those left behind, pray, support, make a meal, have a coffee with them, be positive, and keep encouraging them.  As RedGreen would say "we are all in this together"

A quick Don update too. Don is doing well he is working with a dozen young men and they are about 75% done building their first brick machine. All materials have been purchased and the machine will be complete by Monday!  T

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