Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Why Youth for Christ?

I just want to shed light on YFC and why we are involved with this organization.  
In 2008 I had just given birth to a baby boy (Kieran).  We had trouble conceiving and I had, had a miscarriage the year before.  I was feeling very blessed, I had two sons, Cameron who was 7, this beautiful baby, a wonderful husband, great job, life was good.  I was not a Christian but had grown up in the church and still believed in God and prayed.  God put a desire on my heart to help those in need.  I started looking into missions but most were advertising things like, "Come to Africa, go on Safari" and then almost as an after thought, "help orphans".  I was really turned off by this and feeling discouraged.  It was then that a family friend and pastor suggested I talk to a friend of hers that was going to Ghana, West Africa.  She made the arrangements and took me to meet Daryl and Hope Stogryn.  Daryl is the International Director of Youth For Christ.  He and his wife Hope have been taking mission teams all over the world for many years and they have a passion for Africa.  
  I met with then and did an interview it was then that they mentioned they had a large team but were lacking men.  I offered to bring my husband along.  I figured they couldn't say no to me if they needed him!  I was very excited when I left them.  I got home and told my husband that the two of us would be going to Ghana in 2009!  He was a little surprised but very excited. 
  We began meeting together as a team once a month for the 12 months leading up to our mission.  We participated in team building exercises, socialized, and started doing devotions.  It was in that time that my husband and I started attending church regularly.  We were growing in our faith.  Our missions was 5 weeks long and leaving my boys for that time was the hardest thing I've ever done even though I had a great sense of peace that they were well taken care of and that God was with them.  I still missed them terribly.  
 Ghana is a beautiful country.  The people are happy, beautiful, and friendly.  My experiences there changed me.  God used this time and many of those people to soften my heart and build my faith.  We accomplished a lot when we were there.  As a team we constructed the second floor of the YFC training center, we provided some local schools with soccer uniforms and equipment, and were able to help participate in a child vaccine and baby care session, and did a community clean up day.  We visited many churches and historical sights.  It was amazing,  We saw poverty that brought me to tears, faith that humbled me, and joy that was so beautiful.  When we left it felt like I was leaving home.  Don and I new in our hearts that we would be back.  God filled me with a love of Africa that I had never felt before and I knew I would be back, but I assumed it would be to Ghana.  Little did I know that God had other plans.
  In 2013 Don traveled to Liberia with Daryl Stogryn and a small team.  It was while he was away that God spoke to me and said Liberia is where I want you.  When Don stepped off the plan he hugged me so tight and said "Liberia is where we need to be".  I was not shocked or surprised, I just said yes.  I found out later that day that Daryl had asked Don to start taking teams to Liberia and work along side YFC Liberia on there school building project.  
  It's funny how things work together.  I love being able to see the intricacies of Gods work.  Its so humbling to see how God places people and situations in your path to help you grow and guide you to the path he wants you on.  God has taken these years since Ghana to build my faith.  I wanted to rush back to Africa as soon as possible but God new the timing and where I needed to grow first.  We were very upset when Ebola took hold of Liberia.  I just wanted to go and do what I could to help.  I need to remind myself that his timing is perfect and to keep following his direction.  What has happened in Liberia is horrible and it is hard to see God at work but he is there, he will never abandon his people.  In our humanism we think he should just swoop down and cure all, but we need to remember he has a plan.  He weeps with us.  We live in a fallen world. 

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