Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Meet Greta!!

Hello there! Nope, it’s not Tania writing this time. What? Who are you then? Let me shortly introduce myself. My name is Greta RĂ¼ter and I’m a German volunteer for YFC Quinte.  Home in Germany I have three older sisters, (of course) two parents and two dogs. For the next 7 months among other things I’ll support Tania with the Project in Liberia. I graduated High School in summer 2016. I always knew that I wanted to live in a different country after school to learn more about another culture. Even more important I wanted to spend a time to only serve God. I mean we serve him every day, but I wanted to really focus on that for a time. Because I like the English language and the country had always fascinated me, Canada was my first choice. I applied for the internship at YFC Germany and here I am. 6.251,14 km away from home. I arrived at the 30th of November and so far I really enjoy the country and the people. Having tried Poutine, Tim Horton’s and having watched a Hockey game (not Ice Hockey, I learned that. I mean what other Hockey is there?) I really start feeling like a Canadian, eh. The main thing I still struggle with is your bread. How can absolutely every bread in the supermarket be fluffy? Even the dark bread is fluffy. That is weird…

Ok, back to the actual topic. In the past month I read a lot about Liberia and watched some good documentaries. The story of the country and the current situation really touched my heart. Therefore I am really grateful for the work of Don & Tania and YFC and I’m looking forward to help them in any possible way. Also I am excited for the events we have planned for the next year, so stay tuned!:)

I'm the blonde one, on the right.

Friday, 6 January 2017

2017! What, What!?!

It's here!  2017, can you believe it!  This is already shaping up to be an exciting year for Liberia!  The Presidential race is on, with election set for October!  It's Canada's 150th anniversary!  We to are celebrating the kick off a year of fun, fundraising, and awareness for Liberia!  This year is going to be our best yet!  Don and I will be offering our house for rent this summer through AIRBNB, with proceeds going to the Liberia school build and our travel costs.  We will once again be hosting a dinner event this spring!  Don't miss out on our speaking events and  I think my personal favorite this year is going to be the travelling murder mystery night!  Through out the year I will be posting more info on each event.

Our goals for this year is to:

  • Raise $25,000 for our mission and ongoing YFC Liberia projects.    
  • To speak to more youth about the lives and situations of people in Liberia
  • Bring a mission team of 10 people to Liberia this year! Woot, Woot!
On a person note, I would like to grow in my faith and focus on putting God first and not just turning to him in the hard times but praising him as well.