Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Discouragement and God's Plan

Hey all, we made it home!  Transit was rough, we had one flight delayed, because of that delay we missed a connecting flight. We did finally make it.

Leaving Liberia is always bitter sweat.  By the two week mark I miss my kids terribly.  I also miss hot showers and my own bed.  Then when I get home I miss my Liberian friends, the hot weather, the God based culture, and the sounds of the city.

This trip was especially difficult for myself and Don.  I had to keep reminding myself that this is God's work and through him all things are possible.  Some times God calls to do things that are really hard to do.  I am tired, I have been fundraising for Liberia for four years now.  I think about this project almost daily.  I have had many moments where I want to give up.  It is hard not feeling supported by the people you think would be most supportive.  It is hard having people telling you that your not equipped to do this.  It is hard having people question what your doing and why your doing it.  What is NOT hard is being in Liberia.  What is NOT hard is being among-st the people you love and in the country God has put on your heart.  We are so supported by our friends at YFC.  Don and I are so blessed to be involved with an organization that believes in people.  God reveals himself to us all the time when we are in Liberia.  This time was no exception.  We were able to accomplish more on the school then we thought possible.  We hired over a dozen Liberians and made some great connections with other missionaries from North America.  We also were able to provide Joshua's organization with a skill that will help fund the work he is doing and have formed a great partnership and friendship.

The goal of the project is to finish the school build, build a caretaker home, and a guesthouse, and to leave Liberia YFC and the school self sufficient.  I feel like we now have a solid plan for all those things to happen and have laid the ground work for success.  I am so encouraged to keep going!  So here's to another year of fundraising and speaking to as many people as possible about my second home, Liberia!  

 - Tania

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Sights from Liberia

Finding vines to use as rope for carrying wood bundles.  These boys are local to our school project.  One of the four attends school.  They were collecting wood using machetes.  They will burn the wood to make charcoal.  Charcoal sells for $350 Liberian dollars ($3US) for a large bag.  The average wage is $2 / day US.

Kieran and Don riding down Brewerville Back Bush rd.  The road our project is on.  I did it once and my thighs are still burning from the experience lol

Local roads are not well maintained and are very damaged during the rainy season.  Main paved roads are better but still eroding and badly damaged. 

Kay Kay (covered motorcycles) They are all over Monrovia.  Passengers pack in 4 in the back.

These boys were in ELWA (where we are staying) selling bags.  The littlest one's name is Ellis,  He is working hard at 13 yrs old.  They were very excited to get their picture taken

This is a family home that is marked to be demolished by the Ministry of Public works. We have seen this often in Liberia. There is a law here that if the house is built too close to the road or if the government needs the land for a right of way they will demolish part or all of the house. If the case is that the government needs the land they will give the family a little money for relocation. If the house is built to close to the road then it is demolished with no compensation.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Rest Day

Kieran - Yesterday me and my dad went to Mr. Joshua's house and got to play chest and checkers.  We went to a village and on the way we saw a lot of kids.  They really wanted to meet me but they were afraid of me.  At the village there were these three kids that were so scared of me.  The oldest girl shook my hand but the boy hid his face in his shirt.  He would peek out and if I looked at him he would hide in his shirt again.  The boy led us to a farm.  There were a long long field of crops planted all by hand.  There was a lady that lived on the farm, she asked me if I could ask all my friends and family to donate farming supplies.  I felt very bad for them because they work so hard.  It made me think that compared to Canada they have very tough lives.  It was very wet everywhere because it had just finished raining.  We went through a path that led through the whole village, all the paths where full of rain.  Then we had to leave and head home.  We pick up Mr. Joshua's girls from school in Mr. Joshua's really big truck!  I got to ride on the very back of the truck all the way home.  At home I climbed coconut tree and all most  made it to the top.  I am trying to grab a coconut!  

Tania - Well I was at the compound all day yesterday.  I was suppose to take medical supplies to a hospital yesterday, but TIA (this is Africa).  Instead I spent the day with our cook O'Neal. 
 We went for a walk up to the Ebola treatment compound.  The tents from the makeshift hospital are still here,  most are falling into disrepair.  The compound is very large with many large tents and a safety fence surrounding it.  To know that this compound was the hot spot of Ebola treatment only a short 15 months ago is pretty surreal.  The medical teams have come and gone, the cases of Ebola a dwindling, yet this area will remain as a reminder of that time.  It is like everything in Liberia.  There is change and progress but the reminders of hard times and the fragility of life are all around.

Don- Well I have been here 17 days now and I have been blessed with so many great experiences. Living with Joshua and his family was truly a great experience. I got be a part of a Liberian family and experience the daily struggles that make living difficult here in Liberia. I was inspired to work with Joshua and his boys building the brick mold. Two of the older guys there fought on the opposite side of Joshua and he said that they used to shoot at each other. Now they live to and work together for the common goal of ending violence in Liberia and rebuilding the country. Language was a barrier but God really helped us to all understand each other through kind gestures and translating our respective Englishes for each other.
Yesterday Kieran and I got to hangout with Joshua and share some cool experiences of farming life in rural Liberia. It was crazy to see how many crops that they planted, all by hand. The whole community comes together and works the fields and everyone benefits from the crops. I was very happy to be able to share this with Kieran and be able to show him how life may not be easy here but when people come together for a common goal they can accomplish great things.    

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Work Day!

Work Day

We had a great day on the worksite and despite the rain we got much accomplished. We moved bricks, and continued the digging of the well. The masons are continuing to work on the walls and are doing great!
Kieran moving mortar

Digging a well

Clarence helping out

Saturday, 12 November 2016

We have begun!

We got to the work site today.  It was so nice to see the guys and our head mason Clarence.  Rossini came by to say "Hi"  he is our Liberian friend living near the work site.  Rossini travels to the US often.  He called us this winter from North Dakota to tell us it was very cold! LOL
The guys were great with Kieran.  They showed him how to lay blocks and mix cement.  He will be lugging head pans and water buckets starting Monday.  You have to work your way up to mason Kieran!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Working Hard

Here are some great pics of the guys working with Don.  The machine is completed and we will be heading to Joshua's today to see it!  Don will be spending another day next week at Joshua's tweaking the machine and working with the guys on anything else they need.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

We Have Arrived

Kieran and I have landed in Liberia!  We arrived late last night after a very long couple of flights.  It was so nice leaving the airport and seeing our Liberian friends and of course Don.  Kieran and I must have been pretty jet lagged, we both slept until noon!  We are staying at ELWA compound right on the Ocean.  It's beautiful!  We had air conditioning all night!  Don, Kieran, and I explored the beach a little today.  Kieran got to see a traditional fishing boat and some wild life.  I'll let him tell you more.  Well that all from me today.  Tomorrow we will be heading to Joshua's house to see Don's brick machine.  Should be a good day.

- Tania

Kieran here.  The trip getting to Africa was long and tiring, but I got to watch movies on the plane so that was great!  The first thing I noticed when we got off the plane was how hot it was.  There were lots and lots of people.  It was very exciting seeing Daddy and Augustine.
Today we Mommy and I slept until noon.  We got up and had lunch and walked along the beach.  We saw lots of crabs and lizards with orange and black bodies!  Daddy and I went for a walk and saw a old cracked fishing boat.  It was about 14' long.  Things are going really well.  I got to ply Dominos today too.

- Kieran

Sunday, 6 November 2016

From the trentches

When I say "from the trentches". I'm not referring to Liberia or Don. I mean from my home. People often don't realize that being left at home when your spouse is on a mission is really difficult. Don is away serving the Lord, doing what he is called to do. Gods got him. He is making a difference to people and working hard to do so. This is when satan turns his attention to the people at home. I wonderful missionary I know once said, "the worse things are for the people at home the bigger the impact your making away". He didn't say this to encourage devastation at home. He spoke the truth. Again this isn't always the case but for me it is. Every time I've been left at home while Don is on a mission it has been awful!  Last time an ice storm hit in April, my van broke down, I had no water for three days, and all the kids got sick. I was so busy praying for Don and trying to keep it together that I had frogotten about myself. My need for prayer and for support. This time there has been no ice storm or major repairs, praise the Lord!  The struggles are still there and although they may be different but the medication for them is always the same. Prayer and support. So, please pray for those left behind. I know of a few mission teams heading out soon and these teams will need prayer. Just don't forget those left behind, pray, support, make a meal, have a coffee with them, be positive, and keep encouraging them.  As RedGreen would say "we are all in this together"

A quick Don update too. Don is doing well he is working with a dozen young men and they are about 75% done building their first brick machine. All materials have been purchased and the machine will be complete by Monday!  T

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Meet Kieran

Kieran is 8 years old and my middle son. He's a wonderful, kind, gentle child, and he will be heading to Liberia this November!  I'm so excited to share this experience with Kieran. Along with Don and myself, Kieran will be helping in construction of the school. Kieran will also have opportunities to participate in sports activities (soccer) with local children and visit a local Christian school. Kieran has been waiting to go to Africa for years and was so brave in preparing for this journey. He took his shots, all 7 of them, like a champ!  Along with his siblings, Kieran has sold apples, gone door to door, and helped out at our yard sale. All to help raise money for this worthy cause. It has been so exciting to see all the kids working together!  I can't wait to see what lies ahead for Kieran! 
"Please sponsor me so that I may accomplish great things for the people of Africa.  God is calling me to go to Africa so I need to listen".      
- Kieran

To sponsor Kieran please donate online through QYFC.com  

Friday, 9 September 2016

Liberia 2016 Update

Hello everybody, 
With summer coming to an end and the new school year starting we are kicking the Liberia mission into high gear, so I thought I would give an update of what is happening.
This November we will be returning to Liberia. We will be travelling as a small group this year which will consist of my lovely wife Tania, our 8 year old son Kieran and myself. Kieran is super excited to be travelling with us and his caring nature and good work ethic will be a great asset to the mission. Although we are a small team I trust that God will do mighty works through us.
I will be travelling to Liberia the first week in November. In my first week in country I will be preparing the construction site for the upcoming work and assembling our work crew. As well I will be working with Joshua Milton Blahyi (aka former General Butt Naked) and the group of war affected youth that he is mentoring. I will be teaching Joshua and his boys welding/ fabricating skills and how to build a clay brick press that I have designed. The clay brick press dramatically reduces the cost of construction.
Tania and Kieran will join me the second and third week in November where we will continue with construction on the school project and try to support as many of YFC Liberia's programs as possible.
We ask for your prayers and support in our fundraising efforts. We are currently renting out our house through Airbnb with proceeds going towards the mission and have raised $4000 to date. We are also starting our letter writing campaign and are trusting that God will provide the funds to accomplish the work that He has laid out for us in Liberia.
As always your prayers and support are greatly appreciated, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or just would like some more info on the mission or Liberia. If you are interested, donations can be made through qyfc.com

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Called to Serve

"As each has receive a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace"
1 Peter 4:10. Hello everyone Don here, today God has laid it on my heart to talk about the call to serve, the bible is full of examples of our call to serve others. Imagine a world where everyone answered this call, the young helping the old the rich serving the poor, I think it would be a little glimpse of what heaven looks like. Jesus gives us the countless example of service "When He had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place he said to them, "Do you understand what I have done for you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet." John 13: 12-14 or "Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28. I could go on and on but the point is we are all called to serve, whether it be serving in our church, our community, our country, or half way around the world. It can be as simple as sharing a smile with someone who really needs it, or holding a door open for someone, God will use your service and multiply the yield exponentially. Service comes in many forms it can be physical service, financial support, or emotional support, it all depends on how God uses the gifts that He has given you for the glory of His kingdom. So this week I encourage everyone to spend some time in prayer and ask God "How can I serve my brothers and sisters for the furtherance of your Kingdom?" and really let God speak into you and His almighty plan for your life. It all comes down to following the example of Jesus by showing and spreading God's love to all "A new commandment I give you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35.
For something a little different I would love to hear how God is using you, leave a comment about who you are and how you are answering the call to serve. I think it would be great to see God's hands and feet serving around the world,  and you may help to inspire someone who is feeling the call to serve. Can't wait to hear from you.


Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Your a Good, Good Father

It's who I am.
      You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.  You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with my ways.  Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.  You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. - Psalm 139:1-6

 There are times I feel like a failure as a mother, daughter, wife, and friend.  I often feel unworthy of the title of Christian.  In all my failures, in all my insecurities, in all my mistakes and shortcomings, I am loved.  I am loved by my creator.  The one who knows every hair on my head.  He will not leave or forsake me.  It's who he is.  I am thankful for him.  I am loved by him.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Take an Evening to experience Liberia

If you missed it the first time, we will be at Cornerstone Church April 24, 6:30!  Come on out and experience a night of facts, food, and fun! 

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Spring into Easter

I love spring!  Who doesn't, the snow is melting, rivers are flowing, and in Canada the geese are returning.  You know our national bird.  With its majestic honk.  Ok, maybe not as majestic as it is loud and harsh sounding.  I still like to look up and see those flying "V" formations returning home!  I am a Lilac girl and pretty soon you will be able to smell their perfume all over the county.  If you are a tulip fan you can head to Ottawa and check out the Tulip Festival, thousands of tulips from bulbs donated from Holland.  It is beautiful.  I find spring just awakens the soul.  For me, it all starts with Easter.  The colour pallets change to the pastels of blues and greens, the sun is brighter, chocolate flows freely!  Those are all wonderful and fun, but it is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus that gets me!  I am captivated every year by the story of Christ.  From the last supper to the cross.  The images of the pain he endured are so embedded in my brain.  We have all seen them.  Jesus hanging by his bloody hands and feet, on the cross for all to see, head hung, the crown of thorns upon his brow.  I remember growing up in German as a little kid and visiting so many old churches and cathedrals.  All of which contained the image of our Saviour on the cross.  It scared me and fascinated me at the same time.  As an older teen and young adult, those images and statues did nothing to me.  It was just another cross with another Jesus statue.  I was almost annoyed at the way I would see some people weeping Good Friday at the image of Jesus.  I thought "give me a break" or "really".  I mean it's not like they hadn't seen it before right?  At least, that's what I thought until Easter 2011.  That was the year I watched our church perform The Passion play.  My husband had to work that night and my oldest son wanted to go see the play.  I suggested we invite his dad (I am divorced and Cameron's dad is a none Christin).  I just figured it would be good for him to see.  So there I was sitting on the end of the row with my ex-husband beside me, my son beside him, and my ex's stepdaughter beside my son.  The Odd little unit we were.  The play was well done.  We have a lot of talent at our church.  I was enjoying everything until they put Jesus on the cross.  I look up at that cross and began to weep, no sob, no even worse!  It was an ugly cry like no other!  I was so moved.  My heart hurt so bad for Jesus.  I just wanted to scream "get him down"!  My ex-husband was looking at me like I was crazy!  I felt Crazy!  I wept the entire rest of the play.  My shirt was soaked!  I'm sure I had makeup everywhere.  I just kept thinking my Jesus, my poor Jesus, I am not worthy of the pain you endured.  Well, let's just say the drive home was a little awkward for my ex.  Poor guy didn't really know what to say.  The rest of the weekend was a blur until Easter Sunday.  Easter Sunday was another performance of the play, I was dreading it!  This is where God's goodness steps in.  Good Friday, he needed me to "see" the story, not just the image or statue.  Sunday he needed me to accept his greatness and worship him for it!  I was so excited when the play ended and we were able to worship.  My heart was so filled with thanksgiving and Joy!  It was a rebirth in me!  About 3 years later our church did The Passion play again.  I made sure to be in it that time!  I did not weep uncontrollably or have the same overwhelming feeling, but the Joy was there!  I'm pleased to say it has been there ever since.  It is in the spring, when Easter comes, that I get to remember that experience, and it renews my soul again.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

International Women's Day

Today I wanted to celebrate all the women in my life that are such inspirations.  I would also like to encourage you to leave a comment with the name of a woman who has inspired you!

I'm going to start with one of my wonderful, dear friends, Rachel Conley.  Rachel has one of the biggest hearts for people.  She is a follower of Jesus in every sense of the word!  I have seen her cry over not being able to do enough for others many times.  She gives of herself every day and for that she is a great inspiration to me!  So shout out to you Rachel!  Woot, Woot!!

Next I'm gonna holla at Mrs. Judy Crowe!  Judy is a pastor who gave up a very good job in order to follow God's calling.  Judy was an RPN and had held a position for some time at her place of employment.  When God called her into the ministry she answered.  Her time there has been full of ups and downs but her love for God has never failed.  Judy you are an inspiration of being true to the Lord.  Thank you. xo

Lastly, I would like to send a huge shout out to Dietta!  Dietta runs Berea Christian School in Liberia.  Dietta is a woman who is so strong in her faith and determination.  Dietta not only in the Principal of the school, but she teaches there too.  She supports herself through sewing and teaches this trade in the evenings.  Her determination and perseverance are only surpassed by her gentleness and love of the Lord.  Dietta, you inspire children every day to reach for the stars, you inspire me to do the same!

Thanks for checking out my blog today.  I hope you are inspired by the women around you!  Don't forget to comment!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Crowd Funding and Liberia

Have you ever heard of Crowd Funding?  Well, Crowd Funding is what it's called when you post an "ad" on a fundraising website in hopes of generating funds from outside your normal circles. Don is travelling to Liberia in April of this year.  He is going to be teaching some war-affected youth how to weld and build block making machines.  These machines will be used to build houses, schools, and much more.  In order to fundraise the money for materials, Don has set up a gofundme crowd funding account.  He has managed to raise $850 so far!  Check it out below and please consider donating!


These are some of the people that will benefit from your support.  These are real people and like us they only want to learn, grow, and better themselves!

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Some more Pics!

Here are some pics for Liberia, November 2015.  I'm so excited to share my experiences and photos with all of you.  I will be posted new pics each week with a story to accompany them.

 This is a thirteen-year-old girl from the Doe community.  The Doe community is a slum community in the capital of Monrovia.  This young girl was carrying her newborn sister through the flooded streets of the community.  The image below gives you an idea of what it's like in the Doe.

 This beautiful little girl was very happy to have her picture taken while doing the dishes.  In Liberia, like most third world countries, the simple act of doing the dishes can be deadly.  The water used can be contaminated with typhoid or parasites, causing illness and possible

This is just a small view into the lives of those in the Doe.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Thank you!

A big shout out and thank you to Emmanuel Baptist Church, Bloomfield. Thank you for all who came out Sunday.  I really enjoyed sharing what God is doing in Liberia. I hope you all had fun and got a chance to try some Liberian food!  Most importantly, I hope you were encouraged by what you heard!  God is good. 

If anyone is interested in hearing Don and I speak please contact myself by leaving a comment or by emailing me (Tania) at dontanialiberia@gmail.com

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Hello again! It has been awhile!  We are back and ready to go! Please come and join us this Sunday for an evening of learning and fun.

Also, if you are interested in having us speak at your church or event, please contact myself at
613-919-1699 (Tania)