It's Easter Sunday and He Is Risen! Praise the Lord! I hope all of you have had the opportunity to visit family and friends today, and been able to reflect on the gift of Jesus. This time last year we had the opportunity to share our Easter Sunday with Augustine. It was wonderful to share with him some of our Canadian traditions and to share in worshiping the Father. We were able to discuss true Faith in God and how so many people rely on him for their basic needs. Here in North America I think we are at a disadvantage. We loose that desperate reliance on God that the third world lives with. We are so fortunate to be blessed with life's necessities that we have lost the ability to be totally dependent on the Father. The majority of us know where our next meal is coming from and that we will have shelter for the night. We put faith in our own financial plans and when those falter we have a stable government that will supply us with financial assistance. It is both an amazing gift and a curse to be born into such an environment. Imagine how much stronger your faith would be if that was ALL we had. To not know where or when your next meal will be but to have faith that the Lord will provide! Wow! I am humbled by such faith. I am blessed and I am saved, but how shallow my faith can be at times. It is my prayer that this year will bring about a strength in my faith. Please pray for those who are living in Liberia. Those who do not know where their next meal will come from. Pray for those living there who have no faith for there life, at times, must seem so hopeless.
I wish you all a Happy Easter